“No win, no fee” pension claims expert

With Greg Vaughan, there are no hidden fees or extra charges. A fee will only be payable if you are awarded compensation.

A “No Win, No Fee” Service

If you decide to engage Greg Vaughan Financial Services, a success fee will be payable if you are awarded compensation. This is set out in the table below. There are no upfront charges and you will not be charged if your case is unsuccessful.

The fee you will be charged on successful completion of your case will be as follows:

Value of compensation awarded

Percentage fee The fee will be capped at:
£1 to £24,999 25% + VAT £5,000 + VAT
£25,000 to £49,999 20% + VAT £7,500 + VAT
£50,000 or above 15% + VAT £10,000 + VAT


For example, if you receive compensation of the amounts in the table below you will be invoiced as set out. Please note the positive impact of the fee cap for the higher amounts of compensation which lower the fee that would otherwise be payable.


Fee VAT Total Fee + VAT Capped Final Fee + VAT
£1,000 £250 £50 £300 £300
£3,000 £750 £150 £900 £900
£10,000 £2,500 £500 £3,000 £3,000
£23,000 £5,750 £1,150 £6,900 £5,000 fee + VAT of £1,000 = £6,000
£45,000 £9000 £1,800 £10,800 £7,500 fee + VAT of £1,500 = £9,000
£75,000 £11,250 £2,250 £13,500 £10,000 fee + VAT of £2,000 = £12,000

The examples above are not estimates of the amount of compensation that may be awarded. They are illustrative only. Every case is different and your own compensation, if awarded, may be more or less than illustrated above.

No hidden fees or extra charges

Greg does not charge extra to present your case to the Financial Ombudsman Service, The Pensions Ombudsman or the Financial Services Compensation Scheme, should this be necessary, and is able to offer a very competitive fee as he only takes on a small number of cases at any one time to ensure a first class service. This enables costs and overheads to be kept to a minimum and charges low.

Greg has helped thousands of clients receive the compensation they deserve after being mis-sold FSAVC pension plans (Free Standing Additional Voluntary Contribution plans); pension transfers; pension mortgages.

Read what Greg’s clients say about the service here.

See if you have a claim today by filling out the form opposite or call Greg on 0151 329 0775.

Changing your mind

You will be able to change your mind about proceeding with your case at any time. If you do so within 14 days of signing the contract, you will not incur any charges.
Should you wish to cancel our agreement after 14 days, in order to cover costs incurred you may be charged a reasonable fee proportionate to the work carried out on your behalf up to the date of termination. This will be set out in writing and the fees are: (a) for the initial analysis of your case and presentation of reasons for complaint the charge is £50 plus VAT; (b) for each communication with you, whether by telephone, letter, email or SMS, sent by you or by G. Vaughan Financial Services Ltd to you, a charge of £20 plus VAT. If you terminate the contract after a reasonable offer of compensation has been made, then a charge equivalent to the fee that would be payable as outlined above will be payable.

Any cancellation fee will be set out in writing for you at the time you request to cancel. To cancel your contract, simply contact me or click here to download the cancellation form.

Contact Greg Vaughan Financial Services

Please feel free to use the Contact Form, send an email or telephone – whichever you feel most comfortable with.

Online: please use the Contact Form or email greg@pension-claims.com

Over the phone: Call Greg on 0151 329 0775 or 07788 630037

** If you include your mobile number, you will receive a quick text message when Greg replies, so you know an email is waiting for you. Please check your “spam” or “junk” mail folder for the reply if it is not in your inbox – some email systems may divert replies away from your usual inbox without warning.

Your contact details will be kept private and secure in accordance with the site’s privacy policy.